Not CGI by the way, that’s all Tobey, which is pretty impressive.

You know, after nearly two hundred attempts. To confirm John Dykstra's claims, Kirsten Dunst also confirmed this bit of information on her own commentary track, also going into a little more detail about how Tobey Maguire was able to stick all the items onto the tray in just a rapid fashion. This next gag here, where he catches all this stuff, he actually did that. Here's how Dykstra explains this shot on the commentary: It was Tobey Maguire himself actually catching all the items on the trey, although it didn't entirely work the first 100-plus times. In a pretty cheeky way, Dykstra admitted that it wasn't ultimately special effects that brought this shot to life. This information was explained on Spider-Man's DVD commentary by John Dykstra, the head of the VFX team for the film and a special effects artist.