Settlement Crafting Problems - a brief rundown However, there are too many bugs in the crafting system to make it enjoyable for an architectural noob like myself, and the entire mechanic seems like it was tacked on at the last second. It is a highly creative area of the game, and can be quite attractive to players of the previously mentioned stature. Lots of Minecraft-friendly players may disagree with my choice to completely disregard the settlement system. Being a well-rounded gamer with multiple interests, a journalist here on GameSkinny, and a YouTube content creator, I simply do not have the time for crafting and maintaining settlements. During my original playthrough roughly 80% of my time was spent on the creation or discovery of settlements. The Police Station is being overrun by a Feral Ghoul horde and you may intervene and help the Brotherhood repel the attack.Settlements, though they might throw in their own flair of creativity to the Fallout franchise, suck the life out of Fallout 4.

They are the faction most resembling traditional military organization and present themselves as protectors of humanity with an any means necessary approach. They are concerned with preventing the abuse of technology by mankind, sometimes fanatically. Brotherhood of Steel is a Faction in Fallout 4.